Lac Courte Oreilles Law Library
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

PAP.5.4.100 Screening and Selection Process

As an employer, the LCO-CHC seeks to employ individuals who possess the qualifications, skills, abilities and background to meet the employment needs of the LCO-CHC. It is also the intent of the LCO-CHC to treat all applicants with respect and fairness along with ensuring the provisions of Section PAP.5.4.010 of this manual, are adhered to. Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, all applications shall be treated as privileged information and shall be made available only to those directly involved in the hiring process.

(a) Applicant Screening.

(1) Upon receipt, all applications will be date stamped and kept in the hiring file until the deadline date and time has expired. After the deadline, all applications received, within the required time lines, will be reviewed by the Human Resources Director for completeness and minimum qualifications. In addition, the Human Resources Director will conduct a background and reference check to determine any issues that might prohibit an individual from being employed by the LCO-CHC.

(2) Applicants that are deemed to meet these minimum qualifications will be notified in writing, emailed (if applicable) and/or telephonically of an offer to be interviewed. Any applications deemed to not be complete, not meet the minimum qualifications or have a background check that contains information that is detrimental to the LCO-CHC will be notified in writing that they were not selected to be interviewed.

(3) The decision to not offer an interview will not be subject to any grievance, complaint or appeal provisions of the LCO-CHC.

(4) In the event the Health Director, Human Resources Director, or Department Head or Director determines that there is no qualified or insufficient applicants the position may be reposted.

(5) Reference and background checks made by the Human Resources Director should be properly documented and retained for a minimum period consisting of the probationary period of the position being considered.

(b) Applicant Interview.

(1) All eligible applicants will be interviewed by a committee which shall be facilitated by the Human Resources Director and composed of the following, unless the position being considered requires such other composition as determined by the Health Director:

(A) Human Resource Director;

(B) Health Director;

(C) Department Head or Director;

(D) Immediate Supervisor for the position being interviewed;

(E) Other as the department head or director deems appropriate.

(2) In all instances, current tribal member employees shall comprise the interview committee as deemed by the Health Director.

(c) Interviewing Principles.

(1) The committee will interview each eligible applicant and shall make the selection based upon all relevant factors, including but not limited to:

(A) Preferences defined in Section PAP.5.4.030 of this manual;

(B) Education/Training;

(C) Personal and professional references;

(D) Experience relevant to position;

(E) Interview;

(F) Pre-determined interview questions will be asked consistently for each applicant for the position.

(2) The committee may utilize a ranking system that factors all of the areas established in Section PAP.5.4.100(c)(1) above, that will ensure a fair and equitable process for determining the best qualified candidate, and if applicable an alternate, to fill the position being interviewed. Such system may utilize points or other forms of ranking that is deemed relevant for the position in consideration. The Human Resources Director shall forward the committee's recommendation to the Health Director for review and approval.

(3) The Human Resource Director or designee shall notify the successful and unsuccessful applicants in writing within five (5) working days. If the selected individual does not accept the position or an employee does not successfully complete the probationary period, the Human Resource Director shall offer the position to the alternate selection, if applicable. If there was no alternate selected then the Human Resource Director or designee may repost the position as approved by the Health Director.

(4) All relevant documents related to a hiring will be retained by the Human Resources Director for a period not longer than the probationary period for the position being considered. Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, all such information shall be treated as privileged information and shall be made available only to those directly involved in the hiring process.

(5) If an employee does not complete the probationary period, the Human Resource Director shall offer the position to the alternate selection. If there was no alternate selected then the Human Resource Director or designee may repost the position as approved by the Health Director.

(6) The decision to not hire an interviewee will not be subject to any grievance, complaint or appeal provisions of the LCO-CHC.