Lac Courte Oreilles Law Library
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

PAP.7.5.020 Personnel Files

(a) The School will create and maintain a personnel file for each employee beginning at the time of employment. These files are the sole property of the School and are deemed confidential. All employee files, past and present, will be secured in a locked location at all times. Access will be limited to the Human Resource Director, or designee, a department head or director, the School Director, an employee or his or her representative if designated in writing which states the purpose of the disclosure. An employee may inspect his or her personnel file in the Human Resources department by contacting the Human Resource Director, or designee, to make an appointment. Files will be reviewed in a secure location under the supervision of the Human Resource Director, or designee. A personnel file may contain the following types of information:

(1) Original employment application,

(2) Letters of reference,

(3) Notice of hire,

(4) New hire forms,

(5) Entrance interview checklist,

(6) Current position description,

(7) Professional development plan,

(8) Records of all disciplinary actions,

(9) Performance evaluations,

(10) Starting pay scale and subsequent increases,

(11) Change of employment status,

(12) Applicable skills test results,

(13) Transcripts, training and career development records,

(14) Copy of certification or licenses as required,

(15) Copy of separation notice or letter of resignation,

(16) Exit interview and inventory checklist,

(17) Other documents relied upon by the School to make decisions concerning the employee's employment.

(b) The Accounting Department will maintain time, attendance, and payroll and leave records for each employee in a separate file.