Lac Courte Oreilles Law Library
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

TUC.2.3.100 Rehearings Before Commission

(a) Within fourteen (14) days after service by the Commission of any decision constituting an order or decision, any party to the proceeding and any other Person aggrieved by the decision and directly affected thereby, may apply to the Commission for a rehearing in respect to any matters determined in the decision. The Commission may grant a rehearing on any or all matters raised in the request for rehearing, if in its discretion sufficient reason exists.

(b) Applications for rehearing shall be governed by general rules which the Commission may establish. If, after rehearing, it shall appear that the original order or decision is in any respect unlawful or unreasonable, the Commission may reverse, change, modify or suspend the original action accordingly. No order of the Commission shall become effective until the time for filing an application for rehearing expires or while a rehearing is pending and until ten (10) days after any such application for a rehearing is either denied, or the Commission has announced its final determination on rehearing, whichever first occurs.

(c) The grant or denial of a rehearing shall be discretionary with the Commission. A request for rehearing shall not be deemed a condition precedent to judicial review of a final administrative order or decision.