Lac Courte Oreilles Law Library
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law

PRP.9.4.070 Documentation of Income Determination

Applicant must provide sufficient information under the circumstances to have a reasonable basis under the circumstances for purposes of determining if the income eligibility requirements in (1) above are met.

Two approaches for income verification are permissible:

(a) the household may provide a written attestation as to household income together with supporting documentation such as paystubs, W-2s or other wage statements, IRS Form 1099s, tax filings, depository institution statements demonstrating regular income, or an attestation from an employer; or

(b) the household may provide a written attestation as to household income and may use a reasonable fact-specific proxy for household income, such as reliance on data regarding average incomes in the household's geographic area. In implementing the HAF Program, the Tribe will avoid establishing documentation requirements that are likely to be barriers to participation for eligible households, including those with irregular incomes such as from a small business.

All applications must include some form of information attesting to their income for the past calendar year in order to determine eligibility. Failure to provide income attestation will result in an automatic denial for the application.