Lac Courte Oreilles Law Library
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

PAP.9.13.100 Reimbursement of Travel Expenses

The Gaming Enterprises will reimburse its team members for those ordinary and necessary expenses incurred for travel related purposes as established in Chapter PAP.3 of the LCOTCL – Travel Policies and Procedures.

(a) Air Travel. Reimbursement for team members will be made for coach or tourist class only and it is recommended that reservations be made far enough in advance to take advantage of reduced rates for early reservation. Reservations will be made by designated team members. All airline ticket stubs are to be attached to the expense voucher.

(b) Travel to and from Airports. Airport provided transportation should be used when feasible. If conditions warrant, taxi or personal automobile expenses will be reimbursed. If a personal automobile is used mileage plus parking should be vouched.

(c) Travel Insurance. The Gaming Enterprises will not reimburse the team member for any extra type of travel insurance.

(d) Automobile Transportation.

(1) Mileage Allowance. Travel by personal automobile will be reimbursed at the current Tribal Government rate and should be computed as follows:

(A) Miles for business travel outside of the area should be measured from the point of departure, i.e. your Department or personal residence to the point of destination.

(B) Mileage for travel to and from the airport should be measured from personal residence or work to the airport.

(C) Mileage will be computed from home or work, whichever is closest to the destination being traveled.

(2) Parking. Parking will be reimbursed at actual costs. A receipt is required for reimbursement.

(3) Insurance Coverage. It is required that whenever a personal automobile is used on company business, the team member must have an insurance declaration of coverage page of not less than $100,000/300,000 bodily injury, and $25,000 property damage, or a combined single limit insurance of $300,000 or more in their personal file. The standard mileage rate includes an appropriate amount of reimbursement of the cost of this insurance.

(4) In-Lieu Expenses for Personal Automobile Use. Team members may wish to use their personal automobiles rather than common carriers in some instances. Reimbursement for such use of the team member's personal automobiles is limited to the lesser of:

(A) The costs of coach airfares and transportation to and from the airports for the team member(s) traveling in the same auto; costs including hours paid for travel will be used in this calculation; or

(B) The sum of the normal mileage reimbursement, parking fees and tolls (for driver only) and the actual cost of the meals and hotels enroute. Costs including hours paid for travel will be used in this calculation.

(e) Car Rental. A car rental may be justified by the type of business being conducted and the relative cost and availability of other modes of transportation and approved prior to the trip.

(f) Taxi. Taxi fares will be reimbursed at actual cost when used as necessary transportation either to and from the airport or to and from the hotel at the destination city.

(g) Lodging. Overnight lodging while traveling out of town will be reimbursed at actual cost. If the team member's spouse is traveling and the spouse's travel expenses are not otherwise reimbursable, lodging will be reimbursed at single room rates.

(h) Meals. Meals enroute and at destination are reimbursable up to the allowable subsistence rate. Expenditures should be appropriate to the nature of the business trip.

(i) Entertainment. In appropriate situations the cost of entertaining individuals with whom a business relationship is desired is reimbursable. To be reimbursable, the entertainment expense must be ordinary and necessary to the conduct of our business. The allowance of the expenditure is subject to a post audit.

(j) Documentation. Reimbursable expenses must be substantiated with documentary evidence such as itemized receipts, itemized paid bills, or paid statements. These receipts must show:

(1) Amount of each expense;

(2) Date and place of travel, entertainment, etc., or description;

(3) Odometer readings are required for local business travel when using your personal automobile;

(4) All lodging receipts and receipts for items over $25.00 are required. Daily cost of meals and other expenses incidental to travel should be broken down by meal and type of expense;

(5) When attending educational seminars, include a copy of the agenda as part of the documentation for registration.

(k) Trip Report. A trip report to the Direct Report is required by all team members within five (5) days of their return from traveling on company business. This report will summarize the business purpose of the trip and what was accomplished.