Lac Courte Oreilles Law Library
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

PAP.22.9.010 Scope

(a) Problem Solving Process. When people work closely together it is only natural that problems, questions, or conflict may sometimes arise. It is in the best interests of the LCO Day Care and all employees that these issues be resolved as quickly and fairly as possible; therefore, the LCO Day Care supports an "open-communication policy" to encourage addressing these issues. The following "Problem Solving Process" has been designed to provide guidelines for resolution of questions, problems, or conflicts:

(1) If you have a work related or personal problem that you think the LCO Day Care can help you resolve, you are encouraged to discuss it with your supervisor. Your supervisor is usually in the best position to help you.

(2) If you do not get an answer, or you are not satisfied with the answer, the issue should be written down and presented to the LCO Day Care Director. The LCO Day Care Director will facilitate a meeting to assist with mutually resolving the issue.

(3) In the unlikely situation that these steps have not resolved the issue, you may take your problem to the Human Resources Director.

(b) Chain of Command. All employees are required to follow the chain of command, with no exceptions. The chain of command consists of and is limited to the following:

(1) Supervisor

(2) Director

(3) Human Resources Director

(4) Executive Director

(c) Open Communication Policy. The LCO Day Care supports open lines of communication between employees, which assures all employees concerns will be heard and considered. It is the belief and commitment of the LCO Day Care to maintain direct lines of communication and good working relationships with all employees. Problems arise in all workplaces and this process is designated to identify and correct those problems and issues in a fair, equitable and timely manner. It should be noted that not all problems or issues will have an outcome that all parties agree with but in no circumstances will insubordinate behavior or communications be tolerated.