Lac Courte Oreilles Law Library
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

PAP.22.6.050 Personal Time off

(a) Office employees will get paid Personal Time Off (PTO) at the following rates:

(1) If employed up to three (0 to 3) years, 1 week per year.

(2) If employed three years to ten years (3 to 10), 2 weeks per year.

(3) If employed more than ten (10+) years, 3 weeks hours per year.

(b) Field employees will get paid Personal Time Off (PTO) at the following rate:

(1) 1 week per year.

(c) In no circumstance shall employees accrue any amounts over the maximum designated accumulations stated above. If an employee is on any leave without pay the employee shall not accrue any PTO until the employee returns to a full-time status. An employee who quits his or her employment without providing at least a four (4) week notice shall forfeit any accrued PTO unless otherwise approved by his or her supervisor or in collaboration with the LCO Day Care Director.

(d) For purposes of calculating length of service it shall be the responsibility of the employee to provide the Human Resources Director with a statement from other Lac Courte Oreilles Tribally controlled entities stating the start and end dates.

(e) Prior to the utilization of accrued PTO, Employees shall schedule and have the use of accrued PTO time approved so it will not interfere with job responsibilities, except as otherwise provided by law. If an employee is on PTO and there is early release or closure of the employee's worksite, the employee shall be credited any such leave during the period of early release or closure. If requesting PTO time, employees shall obtain prior authorization at least two weeks or ten (10) working days in advance of the leave date. The supervisor or LCO Day Care Director may or may not approve such request depending on a variety of factors, including availability of substitutes, special events, and schedules. In extreme emergency situations the LCO Day Care Director, in consultation with the employee's supervisor, may waive the ten (10) day notification provision, if requested by the employee in writing citing the reason.

(f) For unscheduled absences, employees shall notify their immediate supervisor. It is the supervisor's discretion whether to authorize PTO.

(g) If an Employee is absent from work for three (3) days or longer, which is related to an illness or other medical related issues, a Physicians excuse shall be provided that substantiates their absence.

(h) Probationary employees shall not be able to use PTO during their ninety (90) day probationary period unless it is for extreme circumstances with approval of their supervisor and in concurrence of the LCO Day Care Director.

(i) Use of Paid and Unpaid Leave. Employees who have accrued PTO shall use paid leave first and then take additional approved leave as unpaid leave.

(j) Any and all Personal Time Off may not be cashed out without Tribal Governing Board approval.