Lac Courte Oreilles Law Library
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Code of Law.

MCC.2.6.010 General Rules and Common Motions.

All matters before the Board shall be under informal consideration, which is the Board shall act as a committee and be empowered to amend a request being considered before any formal vote needs to be taken. This will allow the Board to alter requests, resolutions, ordinances, letters, etc. before voting on them. The following is a list of common motions that shall be used in official meetings unless all present Board Members agree to suspend the general rules and motions in the section.

(a) To Introduce Other Business. This motion is used to add a matter to the agenda that was not listed on the agenda or the notice for the meeting. Matters that were not on the agenda are called other business and can be added to the agenda if there is a motion made, seconded, and affirmed by a majority vote. For routine matters the Chairman may dispense with the formality of a motion and the vote and simply announce that the matter is adopted if there is no objection. In the event of an objection, the Chairman shall call for the motion to be seconded. If there is no second, the Chairman shall call for a vote.

(b) To Go into Executive Session. This motion is used to close the meetings to non-Board Members (except those who have the consent of the Board) as per MCC.2.2.010(e). Once this motion is made, the Chairman shall ask for the motion to be seconded. If this motion is seconded, the Chairman shall call for a vote, and upon passing with a majority, the Chairman shall announce that the Board is now meeting in executive session and take the necessary steps to assure that non-Board Members are not present. Non-Board Members shall not be present once the Chairman has announced that the Board is now meeting in executive session.

(c) To Leave Executive Session. This motion is used to close the executive session and open the meeting to non-Board Members pre MCC.2.1.090. Once this motion is made, the Chairman shall ask for the motion to be seconded. If this motion is seconded, the Chairman shall call for a vote, and upon passing with a majority, the Chairman shall announce that the meeting is now open.

(d) To Table. This motion is used to stop a discussion or a debate on an issue, resolution, or ordinance without taking a final vote on the issue. Usually this motion is used when more information is needed before an informed vote can be cast and the necessary information that is not readily available. This motion cannot be amended and an affirmative vote on this motion cannot be reconsidered. If the motion is seconded, the Chairman shall call for a vote.

(e) To Take from the Table. This motion is used to restart discussion or debate on a previously tabled issue. This motion cannot be amended and an affirmative vote on this motion cannot be reconsidered. If the motion is seconded, the Chairman shall call for a vote.

(f) To Postpone to a Certain Time. This motion is used to set a matter aside for a predetermined period of time. Unlike a motion to table, this motion is used when the time of reopening the issue is known at the time of making the motion. This motion can be amended by altering the time. Very limited debate is allowed for this motion, and the Chairman shall ask for the motion to be seconded and call for a vote.

(g) To Call for the Question. This motion is used to ask the Board to decide if they want to vote on the pending issue. If the Chairman determines that the debate has come to a close, they may avoid the formality of this motion and simply call for a vote, as long as there are no objections, a vote of on this motion may be avoided. In the event that there is an objection, a formal motion is required. This motion cannot be amended. If the motion is made by a Member who is not the Chairman then the motion needs to be seconded. If the motion is seconded, the Chairman shall call for a vote.

(h) To Call for the Orders of the Day. This motion is used to adhere to the scheduled order of business or follow the agenda. If the meeting begins to address topics that are unrelated to the topics on the agenda, a Board Member may make this motion, and the Chairman shall call for a vote. This motion cannot be amended and does not require to be seconded.

(i) To Discuss. This motion is utilized when a motion is under consideration and the Chairman fails to open discussion on the motion. This motion does not need to be seconded. The Chairman may call for discussion, and in the absence of an objection, the Members shall start discussion.

(j) Motion to Reconsider. This motion is used to call for another vote on an issue or motion upon which a vote has previously been taken. This motion shall not be made by a Member who did not vote on the original motion or issue of concern. If the motion is seconded, the Chairman shall call for a vote.

(k) To Amend. This motion is used to alter or modify a motion that is being discussed or has already been passed. Any Board Member can make this motion even if the motion they want amended is not their own motion. If the motion is seconded, the Chairman shall call for a vote.

(l) To Withdraw. This motion is used when the person who made the motion wishes to withdraw their motion. The motion to withdraw can only be made before the Chairman has called for a vote on the original motion. This motion is used to rescind one's own motion, modify the motion, or substitute another motion in the original motion's place. The Chairman shall grant the motion without a vote if there are no objections. If there is an objection, the Chairman shall put the request to a vote. When a motion is withdrawn then the effect is the same as if the motion had never been made.

(m) To Reconvene. This motion is used to take a break from the meeting and meet again to continue on the same original or amended agenda for that meeting without the need for giving formal notice again. A time to reconvene must be identified in the motion. This motion may be utilized to take short breaks for several minutes or take longer breaks that may last for no more than five (5) days. If the motion is seconded the Chairman shall call for a vote.

(n) To Adjourn. This motion is used to bring the meeting to a close. Once the meeting is adjourned it cannot be reopened. Once the meeting is adjourned it cannot be reopened. Once the meeting is adjourned and another meeting is desired, then a new meeting shall be called and all the formalities of a new meeting shall be followed including notice, approving minutes from previous meetings, etc. If the motion is seconded the Chairman shall call for a vote.